Friday, 18 January 2013


What's this, you may ask - is it a pile of ten newly ironed shirts? Yes, it is - ironed by me. And they're not mine, I can tell you that much. So what's an old feminist like me doing ironing her husband's shirts - shouldn't that be his job? Strictly speaking - yes. The only problem is, he can't do it. It doesn't work if he tries. They look worse after he's ironed than they did before he started. So we've made a deal - I iron (and hate it!) while he cooks, I iron while he does the gardening, I iron while he shovels snow, I iron while he gives me a massage, I iron while he pays the bills. Hahaha - no, maybe not that last one!

My husband needs some ironed shirts for next week, when he'll be going on a Magical Mystery Tour! A friend of his has invited him and another mate on a trip - and they don't know where they're going! Not until they get to the airport on Monday afternoon. How about this kind of surprise and excitement for a bunch of sixty-somethings - I think it's really great!

I'm only a fifty-something, and as a last youthful pathetic scream before I turn too old I've decided to grow my hair. I haven't had long hair since I was.... well... hmmm... young, so this will be exciting. This is what I usually look like straight from the hairdresser's:

Or this, when it's just before I visit the hairdresser's:

Now it's long enough to get into a pony tail, or to put up, so yesterday I went and bought hair things:

But I ask myself - did I have to go totally overboard with this? What will I do with it all when I eventually have my hair cut again - which I know will happen sooner or later. Oh well, three daughters and two granddaughters with long hair - I suppose I can already give out some of these things. And talking about daughters - I had coffee with Sophie today and she said - "You look nice with longer hair!" What's better than a compliment from a daughter to make your day!?

Friday early evening - before I start cooking - is the highlight of the week for me. I'm always alone for a few hours before my husband comes home and I put music on VERY LOUD, something really noisy, like Thin Lizzy or the Rolling Stones or the Clash. This evening it was my best friend David Bowie. But now I've turned on the TV to follow the news on the Algeria situation. All ordinary TV-programs were cancelled last night, which meant that the first episode of Criminal Minds will be broadcasted next week. We were glued to the news most of the evening, but in the end we turned on a film in order to concentrate on something else. We watched Lions For Lambs - very good, but it was getting late and we had to turn it off before the end, but will certainly watch the rest tonight!

Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!  

1 comment:

  1. Actually - it's eleven shirts. Look at the picture and count! :-)
