Good thing I started my morning with this scrumptious home made caffe latte - it gave me some strength to handle this later on in the day:
My newly found mate at the garage managed to lower the car repair bill by 1000 Norwegian kroner, and again he was very gentle on the phone when I told him I still felt sick, and he actually said "I understand." Are they psychotherapists as well?? "But now your car is in top shape and it's passed all the tests, that's something, isn't it?" he pointed out, and I ended up thanking him over and over - and guess what he said! "My pleasure"! Hah! I bet it was!
So in order to "celebrate", "drown our sorrows" (no poker luck either last night), "think positively", "shift our focus", "life must go on", "it's only money" etc etc, we're having this lovely meal tonight!:
Norwegian shrimps fresh from the sea, with a bottle of Tariquet Gros-Manseng Chardonnay from Côtes de Gascogne, well chilled and perfect with seafood. And afterwards some cheese and red wine. Not such a bad Thursday after all, especially when we turn on the first episode of the new season of Criminal Minds later this evening. I love all the characters, but most of all I love Joe Mantegna!
Well, we do in fact have a small celebration tonight - they started building our new apartment! After nearly 30 years in the same house (built in 1979) we've bought a completely different type of home - a new apartment with absolutely all amenities. It won't be finished until late 2014, so I'll have time to get used to this enormous change in my life! More about this later, but this is what the building site looks like now (the houses will be removed):
I just turned on the TV, so I don't know about that celebration after all... The hostage situation in Algeria has taken a turn for the worse. I think I'll be glued to the News all night.
Åjjjjjj, to that bill.... :-( But how exciting with the building of the flat :-)