Monday, 25 March 2013


A glorious sunny day again - and I was working at home when my friend Grete called and said "Do you want to go for a walk?" "Hmmm...." I said, "I'm supposed to be working..... but come to think of it - I can work later!"

So we walked through the Park and Grete said "I'm going to a shop called Tiger where they have so many fun things! And lovely notebooks! But if you don't want to go there, we don't have to." 

I asked her if she was trying to cheat me out of a shopping round, and so we went shopping like two little kids in a candy store. "Ooo - look at this! Isn't this cute? The colours! Grete! See these rubber ducks! They light up! I have to buy them for my bathtub!" Grete: "Kjersti, don't you have notebooks?! No? I'm shocked! I have several!" And so on and so forth. Giggling like pre-teens.

We're Big Mamas the both of us. Grannies! Maybe that's why we keep our inner children alive. And my granddaughter Mira is eight tomorrow, so we bought gifts for her as well.

Grete's birthday gift for Mira

Scrap book gifts for Mira, notebook for me (yes, I was persuaded I couldn't live without one)

My Kimmidoll Eika, another Big Mama toy

Sooo pleased and looking forward to having a bath with my light-up ducks!

I do hope I'll preserve the child within me forever. And I wish it for everyone actually. Because it makes life so much more fun.

1 comment:

  1. Yessss to being the inspired, ignited child alongside being our very wise, very adult, very mature, very silly self :-)
